I can't compare! "Owen" revealed the name "3 spearhead" that is the best in Premier League history.


      Michael Owen, former England national team striker Frankly commented that Alan Shearer, Thierry Henri and Luis Suárez are the 3 greatest Stryker on the front of Premier League history .

"1 of 3 Who is the most brilliant Stryker in the history of the English Premier League? Is the question that most people want to know about how I think about it.

"Therefore, I have to make my first call that Michael Owen is definitely not on the TOP 3 list in this list. Because I would like to give Alan Shearer and Thierry Henri the main character, which cannot be compared anymore. "

" The 3rd person responded in a little personal preference to Louis Suarez because With abundant quality Exciting form in the middle of Liverpool Makes football fans watch football very entertaining "   อ่านต่อได้ที่  ดูหนังออนไลน์HD    วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด 



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